Burridge and Swanwick Residents' Association
The 59th Annual General Meeting will be held on
Wednesday, 10th April 2024 commencing at 7.30 p.m.
in the Burridge Hall next to the Recreation Ground.
The Association’s objectives are to safeguard, as far as it is able, the interests of the residents in matters appertaining to:
- local government in so far as it applies to residents;
- the wellbeing of the village in general;
- any other matter deemed desirable by the majority at a general meeting.
We hope you can attend and look forward to updating you on our activities.
The meeting will also give you an opportunity to air your views and ask questions about local matters that affect our neighbourhood.
- Presentation by SGN who are responsible for delivery of gas to our homes. The presentation will cover safety, maintenance work, customer support and the future of energy in the UK.
- Approval of the Minutes of the 2023 AGM. Published on the website, see below.
- Matters Arising.
- Summary of Chairman’s Report. For the full report please see the website, see below.
- Election of Committee Members. Please consider joining the Committee see below.
Keith Miller, Margaret Holt, Viv Holt, & Tanya Langenhorst retire and are willing to be re-elected.
- Treasurer's Report. The report will also be posted on the website before the meeting.
- Any Other Business advised before the meeting.
- General discussion.
Especially concerning the traffic survey Please see overleaf.
- Question and Answer Session with our local Councillors.
You may ask questions yourself on the evening or send them to us before the event.
- Close of Meeting.
The Minutes of the 2023 AGM and full Chairman’s Report are on this website where an updated Agenda will be available before the meeting.
If you wish to add:
- A nominee to join the committee or volunteer yourself;
(please include Full Name, Address, Post Code, Telephone No, Email)
- Any matters arising from the minutes;
- Questions you want us to ask our Councillors;
- Any formal business you wish to put forward to add to the agenda;please email: chairman@burridgeandswanwickra.org.uk before Saturday 25th March:
After the meeting there will be time for an informal chat over a glass of wine or soft drink. Please bring your own glass as this is a greener and cheaper option than plastic glasses.
Viv Holt (Chairman, BSRA
Subscriptions, £3.00 per household or £2.00 for OAP residents may be paid by Bank Transfer to:
Sort Code 08-92-99 Account No. 65058916
Please Include your surname, house number & last 3 characters of post code in the info field. Alternatively, you may pay in cash at the meeting: please bring the correct change.