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Minutes of Burridge and Swanwick Residents' Association
57th Annual General Meeting Tuesday, 5th April 2022 commencing at
7.30 pm
The meeting was online using Zoom.
Following the success of last year’s online meeting we felt residents would be happy to continue with Zoom this year. Even though all Covid restrictions have been removed, there is still uncertainty about the virus, and the committee felt it appropriate to hold the AGM online.
Hopefully, we will be able to return to a face to face get together next year together with a chance to chat and enjoy drinks together after the meeting.
Chairman Jim Wood opened the meeting at 7.30pm with his welcome to the 57th AGM of the Burridge and Swanwick Residents’ Association. He particularly welcomed any new residents and those who were attending our AGM for the first time. There were 25 guests, residents and committee members present.
Jim gave a warm welcome to our guests:
Speaker Natalie Hands, a Senior Ranger with Bird Aware Solent
Our local councillors, Seán Woodward and Joanne Bull.
Natalie introduced herself and stated that Bird Aware’s mission is to explain to people visiting the area how birds use our shores and their sensitivity to human interaction, with the aim of ensuring the shores are shared with wildlife, and that recreation doesn’t disturb the migrating birds. A fuller description of Natalie’s presentation is included at the end of these minutes.
Jim thanked Natalie very much for an enlightening presentation which has shown us the wonderful work they do around the coast.
Moving on now to the formal part of the AGM:
Apologies have been received from Marion Morgan and Paul Tudor Williams
1. Minutes of the previous AGM in 2021
Minutes of the previous AGM in 2021 were confirmed and approved
2. Matters Arising from the Minutes
There were no matters arising
3. Chairman’s Report – Jim presented his annual report
The Chairman’s report was presented giving a snapshot of the committee’s activities over the last few months. Councillor Woodward was asked to pick up on points raised in the report and bring us up to date when his question-and-answer session began later.
Communication to residents is now through our email circulation list, on which we have 160 household addresses, and our Facebook page. We are getting good feedback and Jim added that residents shouldn’t hesitate to contact the Association if they have any issues to raise.
Jim also reminded everyone to ensure their email addresses are kept updated, and if they knew anyone who would like to be added to the emailing list to please let him know.
BSRA add to Fareham Society newsletter four times annually and have joined the Hamble Estuary Partnership who look after the whole of the River Hamble shoreline.
Burridge Pond has a working party which anyone can join. If this is of interest to anyone, they are welcome to let the committee know, and information will be sent. The dates of the working party will also be put on our Facebook page.
BSRA check local planning applications in the area, monitoring comments and reporting on behalf of residents, and when appropriate attending FBC planning meetings and submitting comments on behalf or residents. The Fareham, Winchester and Eastleigh plans are checked and reported on weekly. Each member of the committee take turns to report on any new planning applications. The following is a sample of some of the planning matters we have recently been involved in.
Our committee has been concentrating on an aspect of the council’s revised Fareham Local Plan 2037 which is currently being reviewed by the Government Inspector. Public Meetings are being held and we have submitted representations against the proposal for an additional three Gypsy pitches on the site of an existing single Gypsy pitch in Burridge Road. We questioned the issue of “soundness”
concerning the suitability of this site and the council’s failure to find other more suitable sites in the borough. We followed this up with a hearing statement at the public meeting and speaking on behalf of our residents, stressing that the need for this site was now out of date due to recent changes. We are awaiting the outcome of the inspector’s decision on this.
We have commented on and are monitoring two unresolved planning applications and an appeal along New Road, which is off Swanwick Lane and leads to an entrance into the Swanwick Nature Reserve.
An application for two detached houses on land belonging to Colombo Nurseries has now been refused by Fareham Borough Council. The main reasons given are that the site is in the countryside, but the proposed development is for a purpose that does not need to be in the countryside. The site is also “unsustainable” in terms of its access to amenities and public transport.
At Fairways School, following a serious fire in the school buildings, a retrospective application was submitted for the erection of 16 Modular Units to provide temporary replacement accommodation for the school, and access via land adjacent to the north to enable the delivery and removal of the cabins. The applicant’s ecology report including proposals for a 10-year plan for reinstatement and enhancement of the site is being reviewed by HCC Ecology dept. This application has yet to be determined.
Following the Government Inspector’s decision at a Public Inquiry, which imposed significant restrictions on Borderland Fencing’s operation, but stopped short of requiring them to vacate a Building they have been using since 2016 without the necessary planning permissions, nothing has changed and consequently Fareham Borough Council has issued breach of condition notices in respect of each of three breaches of the inspector’s restrictions. Outcome awaited.
We are keeping watch on the Eyersdown Farm development which has gone to appeal. There was a public hearing on an acceptable Nitrate offset solution today, which committee member Viv Holt had attended via YouTube. It was concerned with biodiversity impacts and Nitrates mitigation but was inconclusive. The Inspector needs to obtain more information before a decision can be made.
North of the Motorway and West of the Botley Road (A3051) lies Rookery Farm. This is a piece of countryside, including an old orchard, where some years ago permission was granted for the tipping of non-household rubbish. The tip became a hill bordering the motorway and the site was subsequently used for an aggregate recycling plant. These uses have now finished, and the owners have already submitted one application for re-development for housing which was refused by the Council following public objections. Following the owner’s application, FBC have determined that this land is exempt from the requirement to produce a full Environmental Impact Assessment before making a new planning application. We expect further applications from them and will watch closely because this is a countryside location and the site is not included for development in the new Local Plan. Development here is opposed by our Councillors who are hoping that at least some of the land can become public open space in our countryside.
We have just submitted comments on a planning application on land adjacent to 83 Swanwick Lane. This is another retrospective application, for the construction of a building to provide shelter in connection with the use of the land for occasional open-air gatherings of family and friends. We are concerned about several aspects of safety and use of the land and building.
Jim invited questions, comments, or suggestions for improvement of the committee’s activities.
None were forthcoming at the time but can always be made via email.
4. Election of Committee Members
There is a maximum of 9 committee members; each member is elected for a 3-year term, at the end of which they have to stand down but may be re-elected for a further 3 years.
Standing down this year, but willing to remain will be:
Gill Osmond – committee member, standing for a further 3 years
George Metcalfe – committee member (Treasurer) standing for a further 3 years
Jim Wood – The Chairman standing for a further 1 year.
Jim has been the Chairman for 10 years and has decided this is a good time to hand over. He is willing to stay for a year to give a smooth handover to a new Chair There were no further nominees. All 3 of these candidates were supported by an email vote of residents in advance of the meeting, 28 households in favour and 0 against.
Our committee at the moment stands at 7 active members:
Jim Wood – Chairman
George Metcalfe – Treasurer
Gill Osmond
Keith Miller
Margaret Holt
Tanya Langenhorst
Viv Holt
As we don’t have a full complement, further members can be co-opted during the year and would come up for election at the next AGM.
Jim added that the committee were very dedicated, vigilant and active. He thanked them for their
ongoing involvement, reporting and responding to regular correspondence.
5. Treasurer's Report
The Financial summary had been circulated before the meeting and is appended to these minutes.
Income has been limited over the last couple of years because the Committee did not call for subscriptions during Covid. However, a small number of households have contributed, and others
ave enquired how they can contribute. Hopefully next year we will be able to have a face-to-face meeting and collect subscriptions as before, but until then if any household wishes to contribute, they are invited to do so by internet bank transfer to…
Using the information field to provide surname, house number, last 3 characters of post code
Subscription rates are £3 per household, £2 per household of pensionable age
Jim thanked George for his continued support and willingness to continue as treasurer.
6. Question and Answer Session with your local Councillors:
Seán Woodward and Joanne Bull.
Seán opened this session with the hope that we could meet in person in the not too distant future.
He then proceeded to update us:
Whiteley Way – this should be completed by Christmas 2022, and once completed he would like our support to get Botley Road downgraded to a C Class to then put traffic calming measures in place.
Speedwatch is the most supported it has ever been with about 12 people regularly checking speeds of vehicles on Swanwick Lane, Barnes Lane, Yew Tree Drive, Warsash Road and Botley Road. The fastest recorded mileage has been 59mph along Botley Road. Anyone wishing to volunteer, please contact BSRA.
Police have been following up some of the drivers caught speeding by the team
Fareham Local plan – The public examination was completed today. The inspector will return their report in the next few months. There is no further development planned in Burridge or Swanwick.
We will have to see what the inspector adds to the planning application for the Gypsy site on Burridge Road.
An interesting retrospective planning application has been submitted for a “shelter” on land adjacent to 83 Swanwick Lane, by a religious sect; Seán and Joanne have visited the site. The wooden structure is already constructed and looks like a house built deep in the countryside beside the M27 which, the applicant asserts, if not granted will mean the council are being discriminative.
Joanne introduced herself as this is her first meeting, and she hoped to meet people in person
next time.
Joanne reported that Speed watch had been very active in the area, Stuart Kimber is the Co-ordinator. They are doing about 20 observations a month/5 per week recording a huge percentage of speeders. A briefing with Fareham police has taken place where they will consider what action to take. Letters are the first stage. This will make our roads safer.
Burridge Village Hall - There has been a Traffic Order Change after requests from the hall recreation users. The hall has been losing bookings because of the lack of parking facilities during peak times due mainly to paddle boarders. To protect the hall and recreational users there has been a 2 hour maximum stay applied to parking with the use of a permit if longer parking is needed for hall users.
The Raymond Brown site (Rookery Farm) is not in the local plan, the latest request is for an environmental impact assessment. This development will continue to be opposed.
The meeting was open for questions
Q – After a recent burglary in November 2021 on Burridge Road where a significant amount of jewellery was taken within an hour of the owners leaving their property, they wish to raise vigilance and encourage the use of CCTV and Alarms. Has there been a rise in crimes in the area?
A – Seán replied: Opportunists will always be around but on the whole, there have been less crimes reported during covid, presumably because we were all at home.
Q – Are the footpaths from Whiteley shopping centre to Cornerstone School linking up to Burridge?
A – Seán replied: Most of this land is covered by Winchester Council, and dependent on land ownership and rights of way.
Q – A significant amount of money has been allocated for Burridge Village Hall – are there any monies for the fences around the tennis courts?
A – Joanne replied: Burridge Village Hall repairs are long overdue, but because of covid and getting contractors to 1. turn up and 2. quote is proving difficult they have been delayed.
There seems to be a lack of interest from contractors. There has been only 1 quote for the tennis court repairs, for which 3 are needed for comparisons and to move forward, meanwhile on a positive note the vegetation has been sorted.
Q – Would Whiteley Way be named the A3051, can we see this being the main road with so many roundabouts, and what is the timescale for completion?
A – Seán replied that this road was not quite the shape they had expected, but it continues to take some of the traffic. Bluebell Way has also taken some of the traffic away from Burridge, which has become a more flowing road when compared with the congestion experienced in Park Gate. He also added that it will be important to persuade the Highways that the A3051 should move. The timescale for the completion of the construction of Whiteley Way and Bluebell Way with the bridges will be Christmas 2022 which is faster than expected.
Seán added that it will be important for the residents of Burridge and Swanwick to support the downgrading of the Botley Road through Burridge when the time comes, by writing letters.
Q – Botley Train Station only has a limited amount of parking and when there is more housing in the area how will the increased amount of parking needs be met?
A – Seán replied that this was a good point raised; although this station is within Eastleigh Borough, i.e. not within FBC’s influence. Swanwick train station has a large car park; North Whiteley will have a new bus service, cycle and walking routes which may help with the parking problem in the future. He enquired why is Botley a preferred station? A resident responded that from Botley station it’s only a 15-minute train journey to Winchester then direct to Waterloo which is why this station is preferred to Swanwick. Seán said in view of this enquiry he would mention this to the councillor from Eastleigh Borough.
There were no further questions from the residents attending the meeting; Jim thanked Seán and Joanne for attending our AGM
Jim added that the Borough councillor elections had been delayed from last year to this May, due to the pandemic. The County Council Elections did take place last year
Q – From Jim: Will Rookery Farm be a possible area of public open space, how feasible is this?
A – Seán replied that this area is, in reality, countryside with site planning conditions. When the landfill was completed it should have been reinstated as an apple orchard. There is no residential development planned. When the 2037 new plans are proposed it might be possible to reinstate some elements of the site and to open a footpath to Park Gate at the opening. The bridge could become a wild motorway bridge. At the moment the biodiversity on site needs further investigation.
When all this has been investigated, Raymond Brown is expected to enter into talks about the plans for the site with the local planning inspector.
7. Any Other Business
Jim thanked the guests and the residents who had attended the meeting, and hoped they had enjoyed and found the Bird aware presentation interesting. He suggested they had a glass of wine and next year we can hopefully be together.
8. Close of Meeting.
The meeting was closed at 21.07
Bird Aware Presentation: Natalie Hands, Senior Ranger
Natalie commenced her presentation: “Winter birds of the Solent” with an explanation of Bird
Aware’s mission, which is to explain to people visiting the area how birds use our shores and their
sensitivity to human interaction. Their aim is to ensure the shores are shared with wildlife, and that
recreation doesn’t disturb the migrating birds
Although some of the birds have returned to their nesting grounds, lots remain in and around the
Solent. This is a special protection area for migrating birds. The Solent coast is divided into 3
areas and works in partnership with 19 organisations including the RSPB, Hampshire and IOW
wildlife trust and Chichester Harbour conservancy.
Natalie followed with beautiful pictures and information about 12 migrating birds found round this
area with an invitation to see if we were able to name any of the different species:
Curlew - the size of a pineapple with a long beak that wades for its food, flying in from
Scandinavia and Russia.
Shoveler - with a large beak, used to filter food.
Sanderling – a silver/white bird found in large numbers at Hill Head, who fly in from Siberia
Black-Tailed Godwit – fly in from Iceland overt 1000 miles taking in excess of 36 hours.
Durlin – The smallest wading bird the size of 2xAA batteries from Scandinavia
Wigeon – a duck which surprisingly doesn’t quack, we were able to hear the whistling noise it
makes, flying between 1500 – 3000 miles from Siberia and Russia.
Brent Goose – 10% of the population come to our shores for winter from Siberia some 3000 miles
away, the journey can take 2 months to get to their destination.
Redshank – This bird is the warden of the marshes, very alert to dangers and will alert other birds
Teal – the smallest duck with a green eye stripe on its plumage weighing in at a third of a mallards
Oystercatcher – well recognised with its bright orange beak and legs that enjoy shellfish such as
muscles and cockles but surprisingly doesn’t eat oysters!
Turnstone – which turn stones over to find food through seaweed and fly all the way from
Greenland, about 1500 miles.
Grey Plover – a dull grey bird with spectacular breading plumage, lots of these birds are found in
So why do these birds fly so far to our shores, and then return to their homes for the summer?
They do so for the amount of daylight hours, as they feed around the clock waiting for the snow
and ice to melt back in their homelands, there is plenty of nutritious foods here for them, and there
are longer daylight hours.
Their only predators in their homelands are Snowy Owls and arctic foxes, which is why they are
alert to dogs as they associate these with their enemy.
The Solent attracts these birds because we have such amazing habitats. With mud flats full of
edible creatures, shingle shores good for resting, salt marshes for food and rest, reed beds and
grasses full of nutritional insects.
Views of these birds are often of groups in the distance which are difficult to spot. Rangers can
show people where they are and can use telescopes to spot from distances. Their beauty and
behaviours can be watched and appreciated.
Feeding on the Mud flats is dependent on the tide and with high tide in the middle of the day there
is only a window of about 2 hours in the morning and 2 hours it the afternoon for feasting, This is
why it is important that they are allowed uninterrupted feeding and it’s where the public can help,
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by being aware and trying to avoid disturbing them. At high tide the birds roost and rest in high dry
places so that they can see all around.
The work of Bird Aware:
Rangers patrol and chat to the public, with a positive approach they are there to educate
and advise how to help birds in site specific areas. They point out the areas to be given a
wide birth so as not to disturb the birds.
Events are organised such as guided walks, wildlife events, educating children,
Communication - Social media, press releases, radio programmes, national publications
Web site and blogs.
Site specific projects, could be improving paths, recharging a shingle island, signage, and
seasonal posters
Dog initiative campaigns. Informing and empowering dog owners
Developing A Code of contact
Coastal Code
Look out for birds
Move further away if birds become alert
Follow the requests on signs
Keep dogs alongside you
How to help
Share the shore
Spread the message
Attend events and encourage others
This was an excellent and informative presentation highlighting the purpose of Bird Aware –
followed by a question-and-answer session with Natalie:
Q – Can you let us know whether there is likely to be any protection from speedboats or
motorboats down the Hamble Estuary?
A – We have to share the River Hamble; the speed limit is 6 knots with no wash. The Harbour
Master can issue penalties for breaking this speed limit. Everyone should treat each other and
wildlife with respect on the river.
Q - How wide an area do you cover?
A - 254km coastline from the New Forest to West Wittering and North of the Isle of Wight.
Q – Do you cover Titchfield Haven?
A – This is HCC countryside and has its own rangers
Natalie concluded saying that Hill Head and The Chillings were their priority areas and she has a
great job getting people to appreciate the birds.
Any further questions can be emailed to