Rules & Constitution
1. The Association is known as the ‘Burridge and Swanwick Residents’ Association’.
2. The Association’s objects are to safeguard as far as it is able the interest of the residents in matters appertaining to:-
a) local government in so far as it applies to residents
b) the wellbeing of the village in general,
c) any other matter deemed desirable by the majority at a general meeting.
3. The Association is non party-political.
4. The Association is open to residents of the area served by Botley Road, between the Northern end of Burridge by the Burridge Sports Ground and Swanwick Station railway bridge, and Swanwick Lane between The Elm Tree Inn and Swanwick Lane railway bridge, who are liable for council Tax Charges to Fareham Borough Council directly or indirectly.
5. An Annual General Meeting (AGM) is to be held during late March or April.
6. A General Meeting may be called at any time at 21 days’ notice by the Committee or by the written request of at least 15 residents from different residential addresses.
7. A quorum at a General Meeting (including the AGM) shall be 30 residents.
8. The Association’s Committee shall consist of no more than 9 members elected at the AGM.
9. The Committee shall have the power to
a) elect from among their number the Officers of the Association
b) co-opt up to 2 further committee members
10. A quorum of the Committee is 3 elected committee members.
11. Each committee member shall retire at the third AGM after she/he was last elected or co-opted, to be replaced or re-elected at that AGM.
a) Nominations must be received in writing by the Secretary not less than 24 hours before the AGM. If insufficient nominations are received, nominations will be accepted from the floor during the AGM.
b) Elections and re-elections to the Committee, contested or not, will be conducted by a show of hands of the residents present and voting at the AGM.
12. Committee meetings shall normally be held every 2 months.
13. The annual subscription to The Association is £3 per household, but £2 for an OAP household.
14. Any expenditure from the Association funds shall be as approved by the Committee.
15. Changes or additions to the Association’s Constitution shall be made only by a two thirds majority of residents voting at a General Meeting. Proposals for any such changes or additions shall have been made available to the residents at least seven days prior to the General Meeting via The Association’s Facebook page and its e-mail circulation list.