About Us

Welcome to the Burridge & Swanwick Residents' Association

Over the many years the Association has been in existence, the Committee has tackled local issues to protect the character of the area and local residents' amenity.

Today we continue to try to safeguard what is left of the countryside in Burridge & Swanwick from further inappropriate development. This includes the Upper Hamble River SSSI* and surrounding areas designated as SINC's^

To achieve this we regularly monitor new planning applications made to Fareham Borough Council. Because of our close proximity to the boundaries we also watch the planning applications in neighbouring areas of Winchester City Council and Eastleigh Borough Council. We then make representations to Council Planning Officers and/or our local Councillors and the Planning Committee about applications and developments we feel may have serious impacts on the local areas and environment.

To ensure we present a balanced view we keep residents informed by email, Facebook and this website.

Latest News Botley Road Traffic Lights and Weekend Closure 

*Site of Special Scientific Interest - ^Site of Interest for Nature Conservation                                         

Please see our constitution in the documents section for details of our aims and objectives.                   

Contact Information